Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ducks Are Super-Scary!

So, I've been reading blogs. Fearblogs, as they're called. Some are really freaky. Some are slightly less freaky, but freaky nevertheless. Some of them end sadly. Some of them don't end sadly, but still pretty badly for the blogger. Some of them end abruptly, with no indication of whatever happened to the blogger.

Either way, these blogs have inspired me to run. In almost all of them, when the runner stays in one place for too long, everyone around them gets killed. Brutally.

I can't let that happen.

Which is why tomorrow, I'm going to pack up my things and leave, say goodbye to this house forever. I hope my family understands.

Scratch that, I hope they never understand.

So, the ducks. They're starting to really freak me out. When I went out this morning, the neighborhood was full of them. Ducks all over the lawns, the gardens, the pools, even on top of cars or roofs or telephone wires! Never have I seen so many ducks in my life.

Every time I looked out a window, they were there, staring with those oddly intelligent eyes, and and there would be tons of them. Yes, two thousands of them. And then, around halfway through the day, they started pecking and flapping at the windows. No one else seemed to notice, but it was driving me crazy. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

Why am I even still going to school? I should've pretended to be sick so I could pack up and leave while Mom was at work and Tom was at school.

And then the unexpected happened (Well, really, I should have expected it eventually). Mom was giving me a ride home (I no longer trust myself to drive, even with her in the passenger seat), when all the ducks just went up and flew into the air, all of them, at once. A flurry of white and brown and green and black and orange, filling up the sky until all I could see was birds.

They started flying in circles, making a giant spiral in the sky.  Except they no longer looked like ducks. They looked like storm clouds.

Strong winds started blowing against the car, making loud, creepy noises outside. We had been listening to music on the radio, but it got interrupted by static. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, and for a split second, I saw that the storm clouds, despite still being storm clouds, were also ducks, flying around in never-ending circles through the sky.

"I'm REALLY starting to miss the Eye," I said, mostly to myself.

"WHAT?!" my mom yelled over the wind.

"Nothing!" I yelled in reply, "Just get us out of here as fast as you can!"

"I'm trying!" she exclaimed, though the car was moving at a very slow pace.

Off in the distance, I saw a storm cloud of birds start separating themselves from the rest, headed towards the ground in an odd funnel shape...

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I muttered, and jammed my foot over my mom's, stepping on the gas as hard as I could.

I'm not sure how we got home. The memories are all a blur from there, but the point is, our car is now crashed into a ditch, and Tom's motorcycle is who-knows-how-far away. (He made it home and got into the storm cellar before the bike was carried away by the storm, so he's okay. I don't think I could live with myself if...)

So we've spent the last few hours hanging out in the storm cellar. We (and by we, I mean Tom) managed to light up a fire, and we waited out the storm there, eating the canned foods we keep in there for dinner. It was nice to finally spend some family time together, away from the Eye and the demon birds known as the Convocation. I almost forgot about my worries for a few hours.


When we stopped hearing the winds blowing violently against... well,everything, we looked out to see the carnage.

Surprisingly, very little damage was made.While watching the news on TV, they said that the tornado flew right over our town, not hitting the ground until quite a few miles away. The most damage any of the houses got was a blown-off roof and some belongings whisked away.Our house is one-story, so nothing much really happened to it.

Kind of pointless for a storm that strong, though, don't you think? But I wouldn't know, we don't get any tornadoes in my area.

Still, those were some seriously messed up ducks.


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