Sunday, May 19, 2013


It's been following me. Everywhere. That highway where I first saw Judgement, the alley when I had that odd conversation with the Newborn, the gas station where I first saw the Slenderman, it was in all those places, growing everywhere.

It somehow managed to hide itself this whole time... Until now. I wonder why that is? It has no reason for doing so, other than...

Well, making me doubt everything that's happened. How much of the past few months was real? The Choir can make illusions, it has power over all my senses. Can I trust anything I see or hear again?

Sorry to interrupt, but I've figured out some things while you were over at your house.


Like I said, the Slenderman isn't after you. He wanted to talk to us other Fears. Says something big and important is happening soon.

Oh really? What's that have to do with me?

It doesn't. Which is why I have to kill you before it happens so I don't have to be chasing you around as well as dealing with this thing.

You gonna tell me what this big and important thing is?


Okay then.

I've prepared my next Judgement. And this time, I'll make sure you're dead.
~Eye of Judgement

Hm. Well I guess I have that to look forward to. Or... do I?


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