Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And Slendy Makes Four

The good news: I have a weapon now. Now it's just a matter of using it. Also, I have four readers now. Not really that important, but it's good to know, I guess. Speaking of my new reader, she saw this coming. Somehow.

The bad news: I have another eldritch abomination following me around. It's the only one I would've recognized before I started reading the blogs. Yes, that's right. The original Fear: the Slender Man.

Although, you had probably already figured that out when you read the title. But it never hurts to make sure.

So I was running away from a gas station, having just shoplifted the entire beef jerky isle (and I'm still feeling kind of guilty about that) and not wanting to get caught doing so, when a guy with a machete ran up to me and tried to chop my head off!

I just managed to duck in time, and the machete swept over my head, missing me by near inches. I looked up to see my brother, or the thing that used to be him, swing the weapon again, and I just managed to jump out of the way.

Unfortunately, I tripped and fell backwards. Fortunately, my backpack broke my fall. Painfully, but still broke it.

I scrambled backwards, trying to regain my footing, but I couldn't. Tom raised his machete, but before he could swing downwards, I heard the sound of a motorcycle engine, and WHAM! The Newborn crashed right into him, knocking him down. The machete went flying out of his hands and landed next to me. I was lucky it hadn't hit me.

I picked up the weapon and looked up. The Newborn had been upgraded, for lack of a better word. There were large metallic spikes all over it, spikes on the wheels, spikes on the handles. Even Judgement had spikes. Not all of them were metallic, though. Some looked... fleshy. I didn't want to know where they had come from.

Nevertheless, the mechanical arms came out as my mom, or the thing that used to be her, rounded a corner and ran towards me with her butcher knife. I knocked it out of her hands with my machete, but in the process I accidentally chopped off her pinky. It fell to the ground with a sickening squick noise. But there was no blood. No anything.

I wanted to apologize. So bad. But I looked into this woman's eyes and remembered she is not my mother. Not anymore.

And then the birds flew out. One by one, they flew out of her finger with their creepy, reality-warping powers, and flew at me. I don't like hurting things, but I really had not choice. I swung the machete around wildly, as several ducks flew at me, pecking at me with their weird, rubbery beaks.

Did I mention how strong ducks' beaks are? They may not look it, but those things hurt. I've still got the bruises to show it.

So I swung the machete around, backing away from the ever-growing swarm of ducks (I know swarm isn't the right word, but screw terminology). The ducks were beginning to overwhelm me, and I was beginning to tire out, but then... then it happened.

I felt all happiness sucked out of me. I felt my soul get slowly dragged out of my body in the most painful way possible. I felt the world slowly crumble as it stood in awe at his impending might. I felt... I don't know what I felt.

The ducks left. All together as one, they carried away their Nests and flew off into the sky. I heard the roar of the motorcycle engine, and Judgement left as well. I was all alone... except I wasn't.

I looked up and I saw him. He was shaped like a man, only too tall, too thin. Too faceless. He stood there, and he stared without eyes, and I stared back, unable to do anything else. Then my vision sort of distorted for a second, and he was gone.

I don't know what had happened. I just know that I do not was to meet that thing again.



  1. ..... I still think you are on a drug trip.

    Also, with all of us Results after you, I would not be surprised if you meet with a Shard. Be sure to let them in.
