Um... I'm not entirely sure what to do here... Guess I'll just start by introducing myself.
Hi, my name's Branden. I'm fifteen, I live with my mom and older brother Tomas, and um... I'm really pretty much just another average Joe.
I wanted to start this blog for a reason. Mainly peer pressure, my friends persuaded me. But also, I got this totally cooltastic (yes, I just made that word up) bike over the weekend and it's really cool!
Okay, technically, it's not mine, it's Tom's, but he's going away for a week (something about applying for an internship across the country or something) so I get to take care of it! Yes, he said I couldn't ride it, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him.
Anyway, I think I'll take the bike out for a spin tomorrow, it's getting kind of late. So, um, bye for now! you know, if anyone's reading this!
I make it my job to wish ill upon nearly everyone, so I hope you crash and end up in a coma.